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I don't know whether you guys know another game ( I dont know if you can name games on the forums) Maplestory M Mesos, or RS. This sport has an old school version of the game and its own very powerful, and more than half of the game people playing it since the simple, hard working games are favored by many.I don't know if I am the only one who feels like that, anyways--I'm probably the only that feels this way, and I'm 100% sure it will not happen, but mentioning it possibly might bring some focus.

Anyone else feel this way? Thank you for reading the entire thing if you did My IGN is JeoYoona, Scania btw.The populace is dropping steadily and has dropped appreciably. Windia used to be did Bera, Broa, and sometimes Khaini, now all the worlds are dead apart from Scania.

The alliances of the world makes it obvious that the popualtion is perishing and something isn't going right. I hope as well, I believe its a great idea, then again it could just be that there's a lot of new games out and/or both. Thank you for placing your insight on this subject btw.

Old 7th Joyous Maplestory Enhancement Scrolls.I logged into my maplestory accounts about a week or so ago. It had been ~2.5 years since I last was on. I never used them and they had been untradeable. Those that might not be buy MaplestoryM Mesos recognizable, they look like THIS.

The item does not expire, and I see no reason it would not still function. The scrolls either triumph (20% chance) or neglect and destroy the item. But when I tried to use it something strange occurred.
