This sport comes with an old school version of the sport and its very powerful, and with more than half of this game people playing with MaplestoryM Mesos since the simple, hard working games are preferred by many.I also don't know if I am the only one that feels just like that, anyways--

TL;DR is there any possibility we could have an"Old School Maplestory", like, v55, where the courses are only the mage, archer, ranger, thief, etc. and maybe pirates. I am probably the only that feels like this, and I am 100% convinced it won't happen, but mentioning it maybe might bring some focus.

Anyone else feel this way? Thank you for reading the whole thing if you'd My IGN is JeoYoona, Scania btw.The populace is falling steadily and has fallen appreciably. Windia used to be did Bera, Broa, and sometimes Khaini, now all the worlds are dead besides Scania.

The alliances of the world makes it obvious that the popualtion is perishing and something isn't going right. I hope as well, I think its a great idea, then again it could just be that there is a great deal of new games out or buy Maplestory M Mesos. Thank you for placing your insight on this particular topic btw.Old 7th Joyous Maplestory Enhancement Scrolls

It'd been 2.5 years since I was on. I never used them and they were untradeable. People who may not be familiar, they seem such as this.