I believe that is taking a LOT and frankly is a turn off for me. I'm glad that they are saying that by stage two, layering will be gone. Don't think that it ought to be in WoW Classic in the first place with cheap wow classic gold. Think that's why the community is not happy with it. A lot of the vanilla neighborhood is coming from personal servers today (itself included, although I'm not as hard core for a good deal of these men ) and on personal servers that has never been a thing.Yes sharding is poor for Vanilla at the beginning but I believe its great for its longevity. Blizzard obviously wants new players to play Vanilla because a fantastic part of the veterans who used to play with wont come back cause adult life. Imagine if the first experience for all these players is a laggy game because there is so many players where you cant do shit. . .They wont stay long.

All in all I think"layering" is necessary for the first couple of months and up to now, from what they've shown, Im convinced it's going to be gone before Phase 2. My only problem is that a massive chunk of this Vanilla WoW Classic community is not getting the beta, but the retail players are getting it. I understand there are some men and women who play retail which also plays with Vanilla, but I talked to a bunch of high endgame guilds from personal host on a couple of discord servers, and it seems like no one even has an active WoW Classic sub. Like Blizzard is doing a disservice to the seasoned vanilla gamers who have been enjoying the private servers for years, I feel. However, I know there are a few men and women who play with , but that is just a part.

As somebody who has been a part of be back and forth together with all the dev's can I ask something like spec has been left out. I am curious with quality of life issues like those what the rational was for completely ignoring them when hands down something such as duel spec was a major advancement for every class that had to respec every day to fit the appropriate raid roll. I feel as a feature such as this are improvements to experience of this participant and it not being in vanilla was a case of supervision in the beginning. Can you please shed some light for me.

WoW Classics that stand the test of time are the ones which are hard and breed community. . Yeah would be? What made World of Warcraft good was the problem. I believe one of the developers said"A world never feels more expansive compared to when there is some thing out of reach". . Immediate satisfaction and quality of life things frequently ruin WoW Classics reward economy. . You create without doing anything which look/feel is going to mean nothing to 18 to buy gold wow classic eu, the player look/feel awesome. However, you make them do an unbelievable amount of work, banding together with buddies, and finishing dungeons/quests/raids to obtain that gear that few have. . That means somthing to them. . The insta-que, transmog, heirloom bullshit is what killed WoW Classic.