Anyways, my point is you want to be wow classic gold quite skeptical about people claiming they were banned. I mean, examine the article about a guy for having the exact same name as a bank supposedly being prohibited. In his case he hadnt paid his subscription charge and had misread the e-mails Blizzard was sending him. That post OP connected was bunk as hell.You will sometimes see a producer or other top level programmer call out a player in public over this stuff. A GW2 programmer was in particular who was famous for calling attention.

The fascinating thing about the banning in waves system is that a lot of the men and women who get banned then scream about being unfairly banned turn out to be full of shit.

They participated in some other ban behaviour in the past, or often botted to farm mats months or paid a power leveling service to level an weeks past and thought they got away with it. Once the ban hammer does they throw a very public tantrum hoping to receive their account reinstated by creating Blizzard seem poor. Youll see them get called out by a CSR but usually Blizzard just ignores them.

That is. Blizzards policy has been to do buy gold wow classic eu ban waves instead of banning robots. This contributes to situations where individuals are repeatedly reporting a bot that's farming valuable mats and nothing happens for weeks, which naturally pisses off the player base and only encourages the bot operators because they know theyll have the ability to pay off the cost of the CD key before finally getting banned. Its a program but its always been like this.