I agree. There's no basic difference between a minigame such as Castle Wars and also an"alternative game-mode" like Leagues. The biggest problem with some thing like Leagues is arguably that RuneScape gold it is seasonal, which may cause the rewards unattainable after a certain time, which I can see people taking issue with. Castle Wars start over after a particular period of time or does not go away. If you missed the opportunity, I can agree with this being a problem, not a lover of unobtainable things. If those are tradeable Jagex is basically producing new stopped items in Old School.

This looks really cool! Though I'm somewhat unsure about cosmetics carrying over to RuneScape if they're only accessible if you achieve a'high score at the leagues'. For alot of players that this is out of reach, also I would hate to see people missing out. I hope everybody has a opportunity to obtain these benefits in RuneScape. Other than that, I am interested! The makeup we provide in RuneScape will be detailed in a future blog, but I am expecting them to be tradeable. This means can still purchase them.

Please read the above mentioned comments. I really don't care how difficult it is for ironmen. I am not talking about catering to a demographic. I'm making sure that no one-time uniques are made because (1) discontinued rares are not great for the economy, (2) it hurts completionists and currently every item is really accessible on new accounts, however obscenely rare (close hopeless! = impossible), and (3) we voted against these kinds of uniques in the past. I don't care when ironmen will have a more difficult time or if they're tradable. That is what I signed up for. Thanks.

This seems somewhat unfortunate for ironmen players. I understand the purpose of RuneScape style is a limitation where ironmen are expected to find everything themselves. Yes, I understand we chose to buy OSRS gold restrict ourselves. But if making cosmetics tradeable is the only respite for casual everyday players who cannot play these hard-core because of IRL commitments, then casual ironmen players have zero incentive to participate the seasonal leagues at all because they'd have to grind crazy hours to keep up with streamers like MmorpgRS/B0aty to get the cosmetics on RuneScape.