I'd like to learn how many hours per day do you playwith? Is Dofus affecting your relations and buy Kamas Dofus Retro shadowing different hobbies? It has once. As it began I was in 5th grade two years and it last! (so it was ). Life wasn't going due to family issues and problems in the school, so I found myself completly in Dofus. It was weird because I remember how I convinced myself that real life was Dofus, and school and everything else was not that important.I lost all my irl friends and began to have very bad grades because I did not care. All of the friends I had were my guild and I even had a" girlfriend" that I never saw but on Skype.

I was hooked that I refused to go on holiday with my parents just to play. Addiction stopped they took me my notebook away for 1 month and when my parents and I had a conversation that was large. The first week was very tough, never felt so alone and couldn't sleep etc.. Sometimes we really don't see how video games can become a true addiction and also have irl effects like: penalizing friends, loosing the feeling of the time passes, loosing concentration, societal integration, conflicts with family, health problems...Oh, it had been an intense addiction... I typically play around 4 hours per day, largely after work. At the weekend I play more times. Anyway did you continue to perform nowaday or did you completly ceased after all you had?

Yeah, everything i thought about was Dofus! 4 hours is actually normal! Depends on how your life is going, in case you've got a gf/bf, family, work, friends... I'm not hooked to any sport and can leave my PC away for months and I just feel as if I miss a pastime. So you're fine ahah! I stopped for a few years but I come back for fun! Much like WoW players I do kind of the same for Dofus! But never got addicted again. I do have a job and that I live with my girlfriend which occasionally disturbs me if I stay playing with time. However she understsands that it is also Dofus itself which it's running slow and it requires time to complete a dung or quests. But yea, I think we shouldn't stop it as long as it doesn't impact negatively our societal life and it makes you feel good!

As a child needed to do, I recall. My parents could password protect my computer. However, I download crackdinux crack disc to get in. I finally quit about 3 weeks after rushu and rosal merged together. My arguement with my parents had been would you rather me be out doing stupid shit or be at home playing games. Now that retro is outside I've sunk a couple hours already. I work a great deal but it's really all I want to do at 19, once I get home. Gaming is my stress free zone once I got back from afghanistan, and it turned into a bigger part in my life. I am fully aware that my therapy is an addiction. Hell I uses to play with Counterstrike GO 16 hours every day.

I do not really like questions such as"can it be shadowing different hobbies?", because it suggest that you MUST have other hobbies or something is wrong. What if there isn't any"other hobbies" to darkness because video games are the hobby I decide to spend most of my freetime on and I am happy with it? In terms of societal connections no, not really. Everything is fine along with my loved ones and most of my friends are at least a tiny bit interested in video games also, I mean why and Kamas Dofus Retro For Sale how do you really became friends with individuals who don't have any frequent center of interest with you in the first place?