One of the most popular classes during Vanilla in World of Warcraft was Mage. Those masters of spell weaving were known as probably the only class in the game for being at least good (if not better) in everything. As most of the classes during early WoW days were very unbalanced, almost all of them had something which was their weakness. For example, Warriors were amazing when paired with healers but they were weak alone. Hunters were amazing at leveling but not so great at raids. Rogues shined in PvP but were hard to grind with. And there we have Mages - good at PvP, great at PvE, valuable in every party and every raid - this versatility makes them definitely a great class to pick up. Let's get into WoW Classic Mage Guide in details.To get more news about Buy WoW Gold, you can visit lootwowgold news official website.
Mages are extremely good levelers thanks to their AoE abilities. As one of the few classes, they can easily group mobs and kill them all at the same time with their spells. By using crowd control spells they are able to bring huge packs of mobs together and lock them in place while they safely kill them with their destructive spells. This lets Mages get best experience ratios on mob grinding from any class.
The only downside to this method is how fragile cloth-wearing classes are. When grouping up mobs Mages are easiest gank target in the world and many people will be using this weakness to ruin their leveling time. You can solo farm as a Mage really efficiently, but they also excel in party setups with a designated tank and healer, when you don't have to wory as much about the low durability. Remember about that as you try and pull a train of monsters. The aggro makes you an easy target.
At the same time, after you get to the level cap and equip yourself with good gear (for instance the Bloodvine set), you become a top tier DPS character for endgame content that can slay whole armies of mobs and do their part in punching through a gaitn health bar of a raid boss.
As a Mage in Vanilla you had four races available for choosing : Humans, Gnomes, Undeads and Trolls. Although all of them were viable and good at their own thing Humans stand out as the worst choice for this class. This makes Gnomes the best option for Alliance players. When choosing which race you want to play keep in mind that perk bonuses that come with certain races aren’t as important as the fun you could have. Make sure to pick a race based on your own liking. Leveling in Classic World of Warcraft will take a lot of time and you most likely want to stick to one character during that time so make a wise decision and be happy with it.