Since they had a ton of traces I operate in triple A, it happened. They likely automated lots of it and had an entire database of NPC_Cutscene_035_Dialog_1 and Player_Cutscene_035_Dialog_2 and so on.You simply plug all of the recorded lines to the database for a map linking player to NBA 2K21 Mt voice line source. So if the player is speaking to Rubio search for Rubio in NPC_Cutscene_035_Dialog_1. There insane amounts of variants based on players. I am sure somebody listened to this at any point, but probably not many people along with the dude or lady that did hear it probably was like"oh for fucks sake. This is dreadful but we got two weeks left to ship".

I can guarantee that there was a bug somewhere that stated"[Cutscene][Dialog] Player dismisses Dion Waiters voiceline in Cutscene_035" and production looked at it slapped a large ol' Priority 09 on it. Subsequently nobody else worked on it because it wasn't important enough... and then it shipped.Sounds like 50 Cent if he has shot in the jaw. I understood this was going to be until I clicked.

There's likely 3 cover athletes this season, so zion may be one of them.Ben overly probably since he was because trailer.I'm happy it is Lillard. He has blown up, is one of the leagues most exciting and potent players, and is in his prime. 2K can rate themselves, Luka and Zion are young and should have lots of years to make a cover.I wonder if they're even gonna trouble with a narrative considering there's two versions of the match this time around.I'm curious what the commentators are going to say. How do you talk about a group when the former season hasn't actually finished yet?I think if 2K was smart they'd push the release back before December'ish. Get this season . Ive always believed a mid December release right before Xmas and the NBA games on Xmas day made sense due to their launch dates .

Ive purchased everyday 2K. This year I'm not so sure. I feel if I wan na receive my own bball itch scratched plus CP2077 coming 22, like the 2K20 community will probably be there. And also a 2K obtained a golf game which appears promising.Exact same boat as possible, launch day everytime for last five decades. Not a chance for this shady buy the game double bullshit.Same, got scammed after from 2k19 into 2k20, now that it is a given 2k20. V2, gonna await next gen.The release is pushed back already. Lol another gen release is the launch. It worked perfectly for 2k to double dip and cheap mt nba 2k21 actually have a"new" match for next gen.New gen 2k21 is coming out december, or maybe january, whenever new gen is outside. They want fools to buy older gen for a few months secure gen, double the cash.