This case does not include the numerous grey topics where opinions have a place; this is literally a discussion of Madden 21 coins if you need black people to have rights or not. It is not brave of a company to say that black people deserve rights just because they will lose white supremacist customers. It actually IS very easy for a company to set out a statement of opinion like this, as we've seen from all the businesses doing this right now like Amazon and the NFL.

I really don't understand how it's hard to get a multi-million dollar company to give up a very small fraction of the profits for the greater good. If people who do not like Black Lives Issue make up a Vast Majority of a Organization's customerbase, then perhaps they shouldn't have those gains (not claiming EA's playerbase in against BLM, this is a hyperbolized illustration )

Why not support them in doing both? Since we have not seen them doing both. Back your words up. Sony managed things better than EA by not just using a statement, but going after All Lives Issue supporters in comments, fitting donations by some workers, claiming they will have more in the upcoming week, also allegedly forming a studio at San Diego headed by POC developers. Does EA have something in the works and they wanted to get the statement out first? They could have either held the announcement until they had something to reveal , or told us what they are going. In the end of the day if you refuse to admit when a company makes a little step you love then how do they ever learn how to generate a big step you appreciate?

Are you currently treating a business like the way the parent talks about a child? I genuinely do not understand why it is our obligation to baby businesses into getting empathy. Why do they have to"learn" to do good for humankind, why not they just do it? It is just like white folks putting the responsibility on black people to teach them to not be displaced when there's lots of resources out there on the way to do it. With that said, I do want to say that I apologize if any of my comment comes off as hostile or attacking to you.

I value this dialogue a lot even when I think at the end of it we'll still disagree. It simply sounds like you and I disagree about the worth of words. I hope I'm not creating a strawman out of your argument when I say you see very little value in making a statement with nothing to back it up. Whereas when a huge company makes an official announcement I think that conveys a fair bit of mmoexp mut 21 coins weight even if they don't do anything else.