If I could buy some legit cards in an unopened new pack I would, just to have in my group. I hope they kick the production up where they are not only swept up and immedistly offered on Animal Crossing Items Ebay.So what are the odds that you'll be able to farm Pumpkins all year round?It would really suck if they only kept it around for a few months, particularly because it is a new new attribute, but who knows what they will do. I am thinking they could introduce more vegetables later on?? I mean, if there's already a farming mechanic for pumpkins, why not take it further with more vegetables?

Imo November is the best time for much more veggies. Carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, maybe. Thanksgiving in America would give them good reason to add more food things (or just food crafting). I enjoy farming matches so if they kept this in the sport year round I would probably become obsessed all over again using the match lol.

Based on NintendoSoup, you can purchase pumpkin starts from Leif year-round or by Nook's Cranny in the month of October. It looks as though they're keeping them around! I'm going to make a special place for it in my island lol

I can see why folks love this game, but awards for this is a little much.

I don't understand why I could build cliffs wherever I need yet, not with slopes. Just 8.

Also you can have"fake" bridges (only a little patch of cheap Animal Crossing Bells land connecting lands) before you commit to a bridge or just because. But"fake" inclines? Nah. Could be nice if we could get at least some half-height hoppity-hop measures or something. .