Blizzard Polls "World Of Warcraft Classic" About "The Burning Crusade"

If you had to pick an expansion pack to come to World Of Warcraft Classic, would you choose The Burning Crusade? Blizzard wants to know. According to several players on social media, the company has been sending out feeler surveys on The first of which asks you as to whether or not you'd be interested in a "Classic" version of The Burning Crusade. After that, it asks about the potential ways you could select a character for the expansion. Ranging from continuing with your existing character to go past Level 60, to one that will not progress past 60, to starting new characters at Level 58 and Level 1.To get more news about buy wow gold classic, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

The survey was apparently only sent to a handful of people who were active on World Of Warcraft Classic. So the company wasn't just polling any random players, they were polling people who actually have a vested interest in seeing the game progress in different ways. The game saw an initial success right out the gate from fans who loved the original model, even those who had quit years ago. But the game saw a massive dropoff after having several server issues and bugs that players didn't expect. Having a new expansion could bring people back. It just depends on how popular playing The Burning Crusade would be to those with a WOW Classic account.