However, for java, it's significantly harder since bytecode is easier to modify than your classic x86 architecture.If enough resources and OSRS gold money had been put together, they could make a c++ loader, which may minimize the issue greatly. Then, they can add actual anti cheat that can actually have a larger impact than the present.

I believe riot games has done something similar to this, but to a far greater extent. They forced people to use their launcher and made sure to check if hashes do not match. When it found it doesn't, it will upgrade the game for you .

If they sent a hash of the gamepack after the game is loaded, it could detect the customer and prevent injection.However, it may be spoofed. But if done properly, it would be rather tricky to spoof, but it would need a lot of thinking so as to reduce the ability to spoof it.

It is not Jagex's job to cope with Venezuela's inner issues. If you want to help somebody that's your prerogative but foisting the duty on Cheap Runescape gold others is repugnant.No they can't, because the third party customers that don't want to be discovered will only change the code to ship the same list of JARs because the official client. They can simply lie. Jagex has no way of knowing if they're lying.

I'm not gonna get behind banning them in a bigoted fashion for apparent reasons. It is rather alarming how people think their game is over the lives of many others that aren't as fortunate.