Some of those XP lamps even give you double XP till a particular amount, basically giving around twice the normal lamp XP. You get like two different popups every world change or login, and there is OSRS gold an obnoxious button and banner in your hud often times also.

Loyalty Points mostly give makeup like outfits, recolors, names, and emotes, but they also get Auras, which provide buffs for a length and then go on cooldown.

Events are structured so that you usually can't get all the rewards without spending cash or grinding an ungodly number of hours at a short period.

I would argue it is in its absolute worst now. It is especially bad when the marketing Yak Track comes about. The Yak Track was supposed to be an alternative to the rampant Treasure Hunter promos which Jagex runs, but the past couple have abused people's FOMO and leaves the battles ridiculously tedious to strongarm them into big task skips with Bonds.

I exclusively play Ironman mode there, however last I heard is how they went back on the promise of Yak Track replacing TH promos and so are biking them through like Cheap Rs gold normal even when the Tracks are running.That's just ONE example.

It does not affect me much, since I play Ironman manner, but because it sounds Jagex is cashing in on purely MTX today, it is getting in the way of suitable game updates and is continuing to emphasise the game out quicker.