We must acknowledge that when we first got our hands on a Port-a-Fort with the 3.5 patch we often relied upon it a bit too much when it came to building some protection during conflicts, particularly when playing console.

If you're still struggling to Fortnite materials build stable structures in the heat of the moment then a Port-a-Fort could be a good way out, but actually the far better choice is to continue practicing your manual building skills, possibly in Fortnite Playground Mode, and gradually but surely improve as time passes. This will cause you to be a far better player complete and typically you find yourself building more practical structures than a Port-a-Fort.

Port-a-Forts are fantastic for fortnite traps giving you some good height very quickly, but they don't always guarantee you a vertical edge over your opponents. If another participant is on elevated terrain or has assembled themselves a massive structure that you can't shoot out afterward the Port-a-Fort may not be the best solution.

Afterall it is only going to boost up you a short way and you're going to have to do some insecure building to continue to build along with it.