Past that, almost every secure circle had roughly double the number of players that you would normally see in it, due to everyone playing absurdly cautiously. The progression of almost every match was that there could be Fortnite materials as many as 30 players living in the final few circles, far more than usual, only to have 20 of them immediately wiped out from the high-damage storm thanks to this new circle-shifting system introduced in season 5.

While lag was clearly the biggest problem, so much so that it really killed the event, there is a lot of additional work to be carried out. The comment team wasn't great and the action was incredibly dull to the point where the streams of their top players such as Tfue and Myth were nearly unwatchable.

There is a large difference watching Cheap fortnite items pros stomp ordinary players in their daily streams, however the character of Fortnite calls for way, far more attentive play through high-skill, championships that are senile.

Even through Ninja and Marshmello's big win at the Pro-Am, they had been hiding at a central tower for 90 percent of the game, with action only coming at the end. It's an issue that Fortnite is going to have to determine how to address whether it needs to become a constantly entertaining esport.