The understanding that will encircle us is the understanding of the quest chains, maps, NPC places & other secrets that we didn't have access to in Vanilla wow classic gold. We know far more than we did in the original game & that knowledge will alter WoW Classic dramatically.Been a very long time because I have played.

However I am 99% sure that sunder armor and also armor didn't stack. I recall having to frighten rogues to not utilize expose armor so I could maintain threat with sunder armor. This was back when we were doing Onxyia and Molten core server firsts, therefore it may have been changed in a later vanilla patch. If I remember correctly it was so bad you couldn't override expose armor using sunder armor, which was super annoying when tanking.

Good video plenty of information. So many of them do it nethergarde wow gold and it drives me nuts. As being long winded long as your not repeating yourself, or providing pointless information then the video length shouldn't matter. It's up to you to put in all of the interesting and appropriate info and cut the fat or do retakes if you ramble.

If an individual movie is too long for your tastes you could chop it up into several parts but just give the info you want to give in a well thought-out manner. We're classic players if you really think we arn't use to amounts of time doing things your incorrect. If I could sit and observe a ClassicCast for 3 hours I will sit here for 30 mins learning cool shit around vanilla.Don't treat us how blizzard does, thinking we are stupid and have attention spans of a goldfish.