Make sure that you practice your layups whenever possible.Layups account for up being 4 out of every 5 shots in basketball. When you practice nba 2k20 mt, be sure to run at the goal with full speed, and then get a high jump in so you can smoothly shoot. This method will assist you to improve your ability to jump and then shoot.

You can improve your passing skills if you forgo dribbling during practice. It is quite challenging to play the game without dribbling, but it will help you to be sure that everyone is passing accurately.

Don't pump too much iron if you want to be good as a jump shooter. Muscle strength is beneficial for playing any basketball position, but it is actually possible to have excessive amounts for playing on the perimeter. Some shooting guards worked on their arms large enough to decrease their percentage of field goal percentage.

Never play through an injury. Basketball is challenging physical and you can get injured. You may injure yourself more if you do not take a break from the action. See a physician if the injury is serious.

Always know where your feet so you're aware of what they're doing.

Passing between the legs is something that helps when you are being closely guarded. You can train for mt for sale 2k20mt for sale 2k20 this technique by stepping forward or backward and bouncing the ball with force between your legs. Mastering this technique can help give you an advantage on the court.