Focus on your strengths to mt nba 2k20 get better ball player. You might not have star ability, but by contributing the best way you can you will win more games. Know your strengths and practice them until there is no one better than you.

Play basketball games with yourself in and out of season. Even though you play on a team, it is sometimes the case that there just isn't anyone around to play with. There is much that you can be accomplished when playing on your own. You can practice free throws. There is no shortage of things that can be done.

Your forearms and hands should be strengthened if you to handle the ball better. Wrist curls can be effective at helping you handle the ball. You will not be able to stand in one place and shoot for the whole game. You have to start moving the basketball to make things happen.

Good footwork can really help you get those rebounds. The defender that's below you will move towards you, the better you chance of grabbing the rebound. This will get you to score a rebound without getting penalized for a foul.

Dribbling hard helps you protect the ball from being stolen from you. If the defense gets to be too much, halt your dribble and pass to an open teammate.

Changing up your pace is something you keep the offense is paying attention. When you are getting closer to the net, straighten up while planting the front foot. The guard will think you are slowing down and will do how to buy mt on nba 2k20 the same. When they do this, push ahead and run past.