I even understand what that is RS gold or probably can tell you have never done the End of Sliske. Lol @ high skill gap and friendly neighborhood. Using a prospect of a high hit and switching weapons and prayers, is not skill. I have killed thousands of people in the jungle and that I do not consider it skillful in any way. People flaming eachother continuously and spouting homophobic comments and putting down every single individual that plays Runescape3 is not friendly. Been playing since 2003, rsc veterans got shit on, while people that began in 2007 get blowjobs daily compared to what we got. (literally 0 updates because Runescape2 along with an unplayable game left to die).

Osrs is a great game for somebody just starting out with the franchise. As no way in hell can I return to an game such as osrs, but if you've never played any runescape game, then you won't get this obsolete feeling. Osrs is a good game to begin with, and perhaps you would finally play the most important game as well.Holy hell that the nostalgia feels this video hit me with. Nowadays, seems to hold up. I never understood OSRS got this big. I last played in 2014 and there OSRS was largely seen as a meme by the Runescape3 community.

See, my problem using OSRS and projects like it, largely WoW Classic is that it divides the developer's attention. They remain the folks eventually get bored. Itgets boring and's either too similar to the old or it isn't loyal enough. Then people whine. I'm honestly surprised Runescape was able to keep OSRS going to them. It bugs me a bit that it divides focus in both games but eh. I could give OSRS another attempt. Need some more quests to runescape 2007 gold runescape 2007 gold perform because I completed them all on Runescape3.