What if change in the battle system? In the forum posting, the programmers agree with the feedback that the battle system isn't good Astellia Asper however and promise to operate on it.For the second beta there will be adjustments to this mana regeneration, so that the players do not have to wait so long outside of a fight. What is going on in PvP? PvP will be corrected as the combat system varies. The players were still having pleasure in it, Though there was no attention on this style of play at the beta.

PvP focuses on the use of crowd control abilities and potions. The potions had great influence on the combating and were out of the point of view of players. CC skills, on the other hand, didn't pile up in duration and were therefore often too weak.More character for your own Astels? An apparently also frequently expressed wish is much more character and more chances for the modification of their Astels.By their own admission, the programmers are happy about the feedback, but don't show whether changes in the area are proposed.

What affects on the client? During the first beta players had difficulties with the launcher. He didn't download correctly and, above all, not fast enough.For the next beta, a launcher using resumption of downloads, higher rates and support for the French and German language is planned. Also choices and the game settings must be adapted and extended. The attention is on hotkeys and audio and images settings. Additionally, the developers make changes and look at the UI. They also look at the degree to which one wants to allow individual sway to gamers.

What about era and genderlock? The critics focused on the gender and age of the figures. The programmers announced that the bond into a gender is resolved. The criticism with age that is young in connection to the mage course with cheap Astellia Online Asper, the programmers accept. If the comments is large enough, consider Barunson E & A and Studio 8 for making adjustments. Astellia Online is a MMORPG now available in South Korea and coming in 2019. This name that clings to the origins of this genre, bringing back to life many of the elements we used to see years.