From level 100 you begin to Kamas Dofus Retro become a injury dealer that is true. The Total Intelligence optimization allows you to reach very interesting statistics. It is possible, such as the Limbo Wand, render on a foundation of this Berserkoffre Set, which you will complete with several useful equipment in the long term, among other items. You might also point to some stuff such as this.

From level 125 to level 150: Can you remember that amazing blue headdress that all good Dofus players had about Dofus version 1.29? Well, you'll have the ability to equip it! In addition to this Dora Bora, you can leave to a Royal Mastoplast foundation, together with the gear.

From degree 150 to degree 180: Consistently harm, but also energy and immunity, this is the target we set ourselves, and it's rather respected. Using a foundation of the Phossile Set, for its catastrophic effect, you can equip yourself with an Ark Voodoo Mask and other gear interesting for the way Fire.You also have the opportunity to direct you towards a substance like this one, more abusive but less adapted to the survival.

From level 150 to degree 180: Consistently more harm, but also energy and immunity, this really is the goal and it is quite admired.

From level 195 to level 200: Finally! You did it! The long-awaited level! Stuffs exist at the 200 level, depending on what you want to do. PvP Multi, pvM 1v1, if as Support Heal or a Damager Dealer, you will always find your shoe. We make the choice here to offer you a very functional stuff in PvM, while using the fundamentals necessary to allow you to exploit unique choices of Dofus.If you're lost and you don't know where to buy Dofus Kamas turn, you can follow our guide up to level 100, or the survival guide up to par 200. The manner Fire doesn't suit you? You may make another decision!