It had been either bonds or RS gold. Gold farmers used credit cards to cover hundreds of memberships for hots and all that money got refunded through banks into the original account holders. Cause that happened so much, banks told Jagex that you need to sort out this or we wont perform transactions with you except due to the high amount of theft going on involving your match. They had to do something cause that could have murdered the major method that they take payments for membership from round the world.

The -only- reason that you get to play OSRS, also possess this argument and completely miss the point that I made this, is because Jagex made the decision to continue runescape without wilderness, free commerce, and introduce bonds to fight gold farmers and stolen credit cards. That is all there's to it. Long before EOC was even introduced, Jagex did these things to maintain runescape going. OP is whining about Jagex's stance over a decade and a half ago compared to today, probably completely unaware of those challenges Jagex faced and also the reasons they made the choices they did.You only get to play with OSRS due to MTX if you want to accept that or not, because Jagex made the decision to keep runescape running with MTX and did what they had to do to maintain vendors doing business together. There's nothing left to argue about this fact. Goodbye.

Good questions. I have experience with MMO servers over the years breezed through this location. There are no physics calculations server side, in the present time it's all only distance tests. It validated well enough to dissuade any kind of customer side data that was false. Scaling it to tens of thousands of users is just another story, although it runs fine today. This is harder to test in the moment but it's using a quick media library that is lightweight add some multithreadijg in and it ought to cheap RuneScape gold be enough on a server that is fast.