Did you obstruct RS gold email adresses? Because they snore real jagex adresses and jagex emails that are actual are blocked by it. I had that same matter. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately thats not true, I have no blocked addresses I'm sure this isnt the issue since when I try to reset my password I do get an email from Jagex, just not when I do it to disable the Auth.RuneScape has Really come a long way

It is pretty easy to check at rs3 as archaic in the sense that it's a tick system, tiles, etc. nonetheless, I logged into osrs and did a few quests, and jeez can it be annoying in contrast to rs3. Not saying osrs is bad, a few of those items are what gives it its allure, but the QoL items that rs3 has help create the game very enjoyable. So thank you to the devs for that.

Same thoughts. Sunk tons of hours into a void ranger on osrs and a 75def pure. That grinding occurred and on them I've only pked with work a couple of times. Quests were a pain and training the skills took too much time. Nothing wrong with that but play it is much more worth while on rs3. I find myself gravitating to rs3 for wellbeing. And quite frankly the pking on OSRS is buttocks, it's the sole reason I considered playing but people are poisonous, harness game mechanics (ancient mace, bounty Hunter points list goes on) and is not even fun anymore.

I was a fervent pker back in the afternoon but honestly I will take PVM bossing on rs3. Few years ago I was the other way around.Training on osrs feels like work but you don't get paid for it. Just like I want to buy RuneScape gold do their raids n supervisors but yeah I don't need 2 jobs.That's the problem that wow:classic is confronting. Understanding of game systems means dps amounts are higher than they were in classic.