While exploring the newest RuneScape gold Archaeology Guild headquarters in Varrock, our intern goblin discovered another journal page cunningly concealed in a wastepaper basket together with an intriguing letter from none other than Vanescula Drakan! Oh Tony... what are you up to now?!

As soon as I agreed to forfeit my subjects, my wealth, and my not inconsiderable awareness to your crackpot expedition, it was on the understanding that we'd be discovering the destiny of our ancestors, the vampyre strike force who bravely gave their lives to get Lord Zamorak.

Suffering because you do from your mortal lifespan, I suppose you can't comprehend the problem this might cause, but let me assure you that a glimpse of our violent past is the last thing that our delicate alliance needs. When I find out you had anything to do with this blasted 25, and a couple of old bones will be the least of your concerns! I am assuming that you knew nothing about itwhich is, incidentally, the reason your blood is still sitting comfortably on the inside. Now pay attention.

We noticed that more of the Time Sprites were moving out to sea a week back and to be truthful I expected that might be the last we saw of them. Then while I had been trying to find some beauty sleep, then they started glowing, horribly brightly. Of course, it's too smart for me to have a good look but my sources have told me buy rs 3 gold that this matter is your Everlight, an icyene emblem of trust. Veliaf will have a field day with this one.