Asmongold was very upset when his quest party was killed, claiming that the devs were"cowards" for not confronting his party directly and showing themselves. It is not the first time that devs have stepped in to prevent wow classic gold players as they have done so before in WOW and other MMORPGs. Blizzard has more to gain from retaining parts of Shadowlands secret at this point, as other data such as new races has been leaked. If any more gets shown, there will be few openings left to draw WOW gamers in.

Asmongold and his team of explorers traversed to a specific bridge in Revendreth and, from there, forced their way into the emptiness between the Shadowlands' realms. From that point, they can explore some details of those other realms that have not yet been made available to the public at large, as well as glitchy areas not supposed to be obtained by WOW players. Unexpectedly, members of the party began dropping dead one by one.

Exploration opportunities for buy gold wow classic us gamers in Shadowlands have been somewhat restricted, especially in the alpha version of the growth, which restricts them to Revendreth, among five new realms. This hasn't been sufficient to deter some WOW players, also Twitch streamer Asmongold was one of them since he took a team into the populous state of wow classic gold's new expansion.