That being said, it won't fix the wow classic gold problem of hunter's horrible scaling. BUT it might still make us semi-competitive into Naxx, and that is welcome.Many helpful auras and buffs that improve Attack Power now properly apply to Ranged Attack Power.

Hunters don't gain anything in stat conversions toap/crit over warriors/rogues. Both warriors and rogues have it far better in this regard.I mean, you are arguing that Hunters don't surpass melees. I didn't say that. I just pointed out that 380ap is huge. You said it isn't. But it is.

Hunters get more AP than other melee naturally (2 per agi). AP isn't really the reason melee scale so well.Rogues get 1 ap per str too tho and hunters don't - they also gain 1% crit for 29 agi instead of 53 for hunters, and warriors get 2 ap per str which is their main stat so no diff there at all.

battleshout and bom alone is +454 extra ap melee get just from that. If both of these also affected RAP (they don't and won't) then hunters in classic.... still wouldn't be able to out dps warriors and rogues in p6.

Firewater is weaker than the Juju. That leaves Battle Shout and BoM for Allies. We will see about the impact. The worldbuffs is like a permanent active hunter T2 buff.

Spell database appears to show that Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer (spell ID 22888) does give RAP on the ptr is big for cheap classic wow gold them don't get me wrong, it's just not going to magically make them compete with melee.

Resolved an issue that caused a Hunter’s Auto Shot ability to occasionally experience a slight delay on recast if its cast was interrupted by Aimed Shot.