That is good, newer players will have the ability to prepare to understand what's coming, but hardcore guilds will not be wow classic gold able to fine tune their tactics to acquire substantial benefit over others competing for first/fastest clears. AQ was basically untouched because vanilla, whereas Naxx had been redone for wotlk This was basically patchwerk after the TBC prepatch. For a time he was unkillable because he oneshot tanks.

Their hands are bound when it comes to equilibrium anyhow, because they have held the line of maintaining vanilla values across the raids up to now.

Interesting to note that there will be a buff setting which will make this raid significantly simpler. Sounds just like if you're looking for a realistic experience this isn't the place.

Im lvl 23 on my warrior right now enjoying life with my spouse and 17 kids while working 6 jobs. Can naxx come out a bit later ?

We don't know for sure yet. I, however,'d say that's a good thing, first timeline could definitely be improved upon. I even think the wow classic gold timeline has been a bit slow. 6 weeks involving aq40 and bwl was too long imo.

No one forgets this because it isn't a thing. Naxx is available in the moment of patch throughout the zombie invasion.

Blizzard can do 1 week analyzing every section and buy gold classic wow launch a few weeks after. Mid-december drop is a fair expectation.

Too few upgrades for too few classes it sounds. I guess that's in part why AQ was easier than anticipated, people simply came in using WAY more purples than ordinary.6-8 weeks for Phase 6 PTR makes the most sense.

He'll supply players with Naxxramas attunement and instantaneous teleportation to the Naxxramas raid.Surely did not open as quickly and guilds for sure didn't clear it as fast either. I would guess if they are moving up the launch date, they are hoping players are not too overgeared for this? Could make it marginally more challenging?